Current mood: tired and amused
So this morning starts with me about to go to sleep from last night.

My girl and I have had our first "date night" in months. A lovely dinner in Ditmas Park. I've been producing "Ron Bennington Interviews" on XM 202 and Sirius 197, Sunday nights at 9 and two Fridays ago, we had a crazy day.
The events of the following days lead to me not sleeping and grinding my teeth. This grinding has lead to an infection in my mouth, that has no cavities or anything else wrong.

Long tangent short my face swelled up, on one side for two weeks and I have been a mess. Needless to say my girl was also. So finally we got to go out and boy do I love my neighborhood.
I come home and finish up some work, listen to the Bo and Joe show and before I know it, it's time to take my 5 am mouth pill. 5 becomes 6 and I turn on the Brother Wease Show to hear my girl Lily on air.
This morning Lily happens to be defending "Last Night in Brooklyn", lol. (our IMDb
I call in and now at 6am I am plugging my film, saying hi to my friend and introducing myself to Rochester. What a morning. It was so cool to know that this film can have people who love it and people who think it's garbage. To be honest Wease admitted he didn't see past a few scenes. He's gonna finish and give a review. Can't wait to hear it. I mean tying to go to sleep then finding yourself selling your film. I'm loving this wild ass ride.
Oh, lol, and Marshal Fine, the movie critic happened to be in studio. This could be great or terrible lol.
Can't wait till next date night.